Sex Addiction: Mistakes To Avoid When Living With A Sex Addict And The Path To Your Partner’s Recovery
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Discover The Mistakes To Avoid When Living With A Sex Addict And The Path To Your Partner's Recovery (SECOND EDITION)You're about to discover a proven strategy on what to do when you discover your partner is a sex addict. Millions of people suffer from sex addiction and throw away their lives and their relationships because of this destructive condition. Most people realize how much of a problem this is, but are unable to change their addiction, simply because it's been a part of their lifestyle for so long.The truth is, if you are living with a sex addict, you are suffering the consequences for their behavior. However, sex addiction is curable. If those suffering from sex addiction haven't been able to change, it's because they are lacking an effective strategy and haven't yet changed their associations to the addiction. This book goes into a step-by-step strategy that will help you cope with living with a sex addict as well as learn the steps your partner will need to take to help themselves to take control of their life.Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...Sexual Addiction and Types of Sexual AddictionCauses and Risk